Remote Tax Services

File with us for worry-free, secure and 100% virtual experience

Don’t let any circumstance delay your desire to file your tax early.

The deadline to file your 2023 personal tax return and pay your taxes is April 30, 2024.


  • We will complete your tax returns, deliver through email and discuss over the phone or virtual meeting apps.
  • We will also review and file your last 10 year’s tax returns if you missed filing or if corrections are necessary.
  • Best of all, we take pride knowing that you are in the comfort of your own home while we are helping you with your tax obligations.



Individually fill out the T1 Preparation Form and send to us together with your information slips and receipts.

You may also fill out additional forms below depending on your tax situations:



Fill out the T2 Preparation Form and send to us together with the assembled financial information.


For more inquiries, email us at or call/text us at 416-904-2862.